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이메일 주소 :   


  • [등록자] : iker.illarra
  • [언어]日本語
  • [지역]Dusseldorf
  • 등록일 : 2024/08/26
  • 게재일 : 2024/08/26
  • 변경일 :2024/08/26
  • 총열람수 : 417 명
취미 / 동호회

Looking for friends to explore the city


I live in Los Angeles but I was born in Spain. I am 30 years old guy. I will be in Germany (Dusseldorf/Frankfurt) from 11/11 to 11/14 for work and I am looking for friends. I used to live in Japan for one year so I would like to see if there are any Japanese friends I can link up with in Germany.


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